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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Gary L. Bankert Sr.

Submitted by his Sister

Gary joined the local fire company at 16. He was active locally for many years.

Gary was a great brother . He was always there when I needed him. He was a great father. His 5 children all looked up to him. My 3 children think he was the greatest uncle there ever was. When they were small he’d take them in the grocery store all 7 of them they’d hold hands and behave. Not me – I wouldn’t have thought of going in a store with 7 small children.

In the winter time he’d take them to the YMCA to swim. Just imagine 7 small chidren – he was a great uncle. Today those 7 children have grown up to be intelligent‚ active‚ productive adults. I know it is because of Gary.

His oldest son died in a car accident in 1996. I know it made him a stronger person.

Today I still miss him. I still cry today when I think of him. He was the greatest! My mother still cries for him. He was so far away from home. He was the next to youngest of 6 children. He always did everything first. The first grandchild for my parents‚ first‚ to get married‚ first‚ to move so far away from home‚ first to die. I know he’s in heaven but today I wish he was here.

Submitted Anonymously

Gary L. Bankert‚ Sr.‚ 37‚ a member of the Roanoke-Wildwood Volunteer Fire Department‚ drowned on January 15‚ 2000‚ during a dive training exercise. He was an original member of the department’s Search and Recovery Dive Team.

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