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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 58
Year of Death: 2012

Owen T. Carlock

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Owen Thomas Carlock lived in Staten Island, New York, before settling in Middletown, New Jersey. Owen was a graduate of the New York City School of Printing and the FDNY Academy. He was last employed by Vornado Realty. Owen’s true calling was as a New York City firefighter, where he worked from 1981 through 2004. He was a September 11, 2001, first responder and survivor from Ladder 122 in Brooklyn.

Owen’s dedication and bravery during the tragedy earned him the honorary keys to the city from the Town of Dunn, North Carolina. For a period of time, Owen was part of Rescue 5 in Staten Island and was a certified rescue diver. After retirement, Owen volunteered at the Morgan Firehouse in Sayreville, New Jersey. While Owen received many awards and honors, he would be the first to say he was just doing his duty to protect those in harm’s way.

Owen passed away of 9/11-related illnesses on May 23, 2012, surrounded by his FDNY brothers. Owen was preceded in death by his parents, Bernard and Catherine Carlock, and his brother, Lt. Neil Carlock, USN. Owen’s grandfather, Bernardo F. Carlock, was in the FDNY and died in the line of duty as a department chief, Division 4, in 1930.

Owen was the best husband to his wife, Shirley, and best father to his three children, Emily, Jacquelyn, and Evan. He became a grandfather shortly before his death to Layla Jean, and since his passing has had a grandson, Nicholas Owen. He is missed by all his family and friends, including his brothers, Gil and Brendan, and sister, Moira; their spouses; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. We take comfort knowing Owen is with his parents, brothers Edmund and Neal, brother-in-law Mark, and fellow firefighters and friends who passed before him and after.

Owen had so many wonderful friends. No matter where he went, he always knew someone, including an NYC firefighter he saw on a cruise to Alaska while docked in Skagway with his family and friends from Ladder 122. He loved the comradery that came along with being in the FDNY. Owen loved collecting shirts from local departments wherever he traveled and would literally give the shirt off his back to those in need.

Our FDNY family, Morgan Fire Co., and local department have been and remain instrumental in keeping Owen’s memory alive. His family wants to thank everyone for their continued support and love in the years since Owen’s untimely passing. Thank you to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation for also keeping his memory alive. Owen would be so touched and honored.

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