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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 26
Year of Death: 2023

James Michael Muller

James Michael Muller, 25, was born November 18, 1997, in Columbia, South Carolina, and passed away on Friday, May 26, 2023. He was the son of Christopher Shawn Muller and Denise Morris Muller.

He preferred to be known as “J.” He was a devoted husband, father, brother, and son. J started his
firefighting career as a cadet in a high school program, where his enthusiasm for life quickly earned the respect of his instructors. J graduated at the top of his class and was quickly hired by the Irmo Fire District. His passion for the craft and his thirst for growth quickly endeared him to his peers. J spent his off-duty time attending classes and conferences, constantly pushing himself to improve and learn.

J had a profound impact on the Irmo Fire District. His enthusiasm was infectious, not just for the job, but for everything. He influenced attitudes, behaviors, and performance by setting a great example of how to be a human being. He was positive, funny, and outstanding at everything he did. He was a selfless servant, always looking out for the other people in his life, and he always went the extra mile to serve the citizens of Irmo.

The Muller legacy extends well beyond Irmo. J was known to thousands of firefighters across the country through training events and conferences that he attended, because he made an impact everywhere he went. Many of the organizations that J trained with invited him to become an instructor with them. J’s message about the importance of the job, the importance of training, and the value of what we do touched a nerve with everybody who heard it. The people he left behind are committed to carry his message forward. We should all strive to remember that when we take our oath. “It’s an oath; it’s not a ceremonial high five. It’s a commitment, so live it.”

Although J was devoted to his career, he was even more devoted to his family. He loved spending time with his wife, Emma, his son, Cole, and the rest of his family. Family adventures were important to J and almost always involved a stop by one of the fire stations.

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