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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 21
Year of Death: 1993

Harold B. Allgood

Submitted by his mother

Harold Bradley Allgood was only 21 years old when he lost his life as a volunteer firefighter. He had faithfully served his community on the fire department since 1986. Brad had joined the department when he turned fifteen and would run through the field to the firehouse when the tones sounded until he started driving.

Brad was also an EMT and a member of Bullitt Co. EMA. He had served with the Civil Air Patrol. Brad worked for All County Transport Service and was also their Safety/Training Officer.

Brad was very involved with the disabled and was loved by all those who came in contact with him. It was not unusual for him to show up at one of their residences to build a needed wheelchair ramp out of his own pocket. I found out after his death how he would take them out for a day at his expense to different places or just visit with them.

His smile would light up a room and lift my heart. I was devestated by the loss of my son‚ but people have lifted my heart so many times by the rememberances they still leave on his grave that I keep in a curio. Part of my soul died that night.

We were a family of volunteer firefighters. I was with him that terrible night when another firefighter rear-ended us. I have mixed emotions about that night still‚ but I am thankful that I held him when he was born and I held him when he died. I have no questions as to what happened or how.

Brad was survived by his mother‚ Judy Allgood-Hodge; brother‚ Christopher Allgood; stepfather‚ Wayne Hodge; maternal grandmother‚ Louise Cronen (deceased 1998); step-grandparents‚ Margaret and Vernon Hodge (both deceased 2004); father‚ Harold J. Allgood; and many aunts‚ uncles‚ cousins‚ and friends.

We have so many good memories of Brad….too many to mention here. What saddens me most for our family and all those families like ours‚ is that we cannot make more memories. I didn’t get to see him get married‚ or see the wonderful grandchildren I should have had‚ or got to share the holidays with him anymore.

We used the proceeds from his insurance and entitlement to have a monument built to remember all rescuers whether they died in the line of duty or otherwise. This way those can be remembered too that served their communities in some way‚ but were fortunate to have lived out their life.

I know he is with me…I sense him so many times‚ but I want so much to feel his arms around me again and mine around him. One day we will be together again…this I am sure of.

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