Taylor is currently in her junior year at school. Her academic goal is to finish her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, then take 12 months of dual degree study at an accredited culinary school. Taylor plans to then open an upscale restaurant to supplement her income between films bringing money to the table. She attributes the desire for a culinary degree to her stepfather whose dream was to open his own restaurant.
She works as a screenwriter/director and has a documentary under development. Taylor’s stepfather taught her that even though she has a career, she can still expand upon her hobbies. She shares that her stepfather’s hobby was cooking, and her hobby was eating. She plans to finish her degrees and then take life in and be inspired by sights and flavors.
Taylor’s Creative Writing Instructor Evan Stubblefield shares, “Despite the challenges of adjusting to life in Los Angeles, particularly during the early stages of COVID, Taylor remained ambitious and dedicated to her studies. She makes every effort to apply herself and remains one of the few students willing to take calculated risks to get the most out of her education.”