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Making Christmas Morning Brighter for Children of Fallen Firefighters

Making Christmas Morning Brighter for Children of Fallen Firefighters

14-Year-Old Troy Santner draws on family experience to support others
Troy Santner National Children of Fallen Firefighters Fund

Troy Santner National Children of Fallen Firefighters Fund

Thomas James SantnerTroy Santner was an infant when his father, Chief Thomas Santner of the North Bay (FL) Fire District, died in the line of duty in 2005. As Troy grew up, his mother, Janet, and his siblings shared stories about Tom’s love for his family and devotion to giving back to his community.

In particular, they continued the family tradition for ensuring that less fortunate children in their community always had gifts and cards to open on Christmas morning. As Tim, Troy’s older brother explained, “We were raised to give back. It’s what we were expected to do.”

Three years ago, Troy decided he wanted to help a very special community that he and his brothers and sisters understood too well; children of fallen firefighters.

Through “The Troy Santner National Children of Fallen Firefighters Fund,” the compassionate 14-year-old raises money to provide cards and gifts through his organization. In cooperation with the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF), toys, games, and cards will be purchased and shipped to children under the age of 18.

“We understand how powerful and close-knit the fire service family is,” explained Tim who assists with the Fund. “It’s a very large community who share our story.”

The Santner family has been very active with the NFFF over the years and feels grateful for the comfort and support they’ve received through conferences and scholarships. “This is our way of paying it forward,” said Tim.

Donations are being accepted until December 7, 2018. To contribute to this effort, please contact [email protected].