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Foundation News

Chief Neil Svetanics, Friend of the Foundation

Chief Neil Svetanics, Friend of the Foundation

Chief Neil Svetanics

Chief Neil Svetanics

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation was saddened to learn of the recent death of Chief Neil Svetanics. When the Foundation was established in 1992, Neil was serving as Chief of the St. Louis Fire Department.

In the early years of the Foundation, Chief Svetanics took on the role of fundraising with the fire service. Under his leadership, the St. Louis Fire Department honor guard was one of the first to participate in the annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend, and that involvement continues today. He was instrumental in donating the helmets that hang above the Chapel during the Weekend.

Chief Svetanics also served as master of ceremonies for the Candlelight Service during the Weekend for many years. Executive Director Ron Siarnicki stated, “Neil’s caring and compassionate remarks brought comfort to the families of the firefighters being honored and let them know that their loved ones will always be remembered.”

We extend our deepest sympathy to Chief Svetanics’ daughters and grandchildren and to his many friends in the fire service.