National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 81
Year of Death: 2020

John P. Fogarty

John P. Fogarty, known as “Jack,” died from illness related to his response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Many of his fellow firefighters from Ladder Company 3 in Manhattan died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and he spent many days searching for them at Ground Zero. He retired after more than 40 years of service with the FDNY. Throughout his entire career he was a member of Ladder Company 3. In 1977, he received the Thomas E. Crimmins Medal from the Bathhouse Fire. Modest by nature, he considered himself lucky to be a fireman and would have said he was just doing his job.

Jack loved being at home with his family on Long Island but loved being at the firehouse as well. One of his favorite things to do was plan a meal that he would cook for the guys during his tour. He would shop around his grocery stores on Long Island getting the best deals. He prided himself on cooking a four-course meal for $4 a guy. Needless to say, his fellow firefighters enjoyed working on the same tours as Jack.

Jack was a father of three and a U.S. Army veteran. Known as a family man, he prided himself on the relationships he had with his wife, children, brothers, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren. He lived a life with a code of honesty, respect, and finding good in all situations. Fogarty not only inspired members of his family to be like him but young members of the department as well. Current members of Ladder Company 3 say Jack left a legacy that they all aspire to follow. The corner of the street where he lived on Long Island was dedicated in his honor in 2022.

He is remembered as a true American hero who dedicated his life to helping people—a great fireman who never wanted to quit and a great man who was a hero to his children and grandchildren. Jack touched the lives of many and was often considered everyone’s best friend.

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  1. Rest in peace Mr Fogarty

    – Carson Loveless