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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Battalion Chief
Age: 65
Year of Death: 2012

Richard E. McGuire

Battalion Chief Richard McGuire joined the FDNY in 1968 and served the city of New York for 33 years. He was first appointed to Engine 214 in Brooklyn, New York. Following his promotion to lieutenant he served in Ladder 108 and Ladder 20. Dick had been an athlete all of his life and as a captain he was able to fully incorporate his love for a fit and healthy lifestyle into his FDNY career. He became the training coordinator at the Fire Academy on Randall’s Island, New York, and supervised the department’s fitness unit. Whether he was training new recruits or rehabbing injured firefighters, he participated actively in every event. If they ran, he ran. If they lifted weights, he lifted weights. When one of the young probies complained that they were too old for such strenuous activity, Dick reminded them that they were all being carefully monitored and that he was older than all of them. As a battalion chief he commanded multiple fire companies in Queens, New York, and was responsible for their safety, training, and administration.

During his leisure time, Dick was an avid runner. He competed in marathons, decathlons, and escarpment trial races. He represented the FDNY in the World Police and Fire Games in California and the Northeast Combat Challenge in New England. Dick loved football. He was an active member of the Bravest Football Club and competed yearly in the hotly contested Finest vs Bravest game (police vs. firefighters) for the city championship. He coached amateur football leagues, teaching young athletes the safety aspects of the game while emphasizing the need to always play fairly and win or lose gracefully. Dick devoted time to the New York Firefighters Burn Center and was active in many supportive projects and fundraising.

Dick took tremendous pride in being a member of the FDNY family. He fully acknowledged both the privilege and obligation that came with the oath he took in 1968. He was not on duty on September 11, 2001. Like most of his colleagues, he raced into the city. Thankfully he survived that horrible day and came home to his family. Many of our friends did not. Sadly, on December 9, 2012, he succumbed to the aftereffects of his exposure at Ground Zero. We are grateful for the extra years we had. Dick is loved and missed by his wife, Maureen; his sons and daughters-in-law, Rich and Jen, Joe and Traci; his daughter, Carol; and his six grandchildren, Richie, Patty, Liam, Tommy, Casey, and Shannon.

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  1. One of my oldest memories was asking my dad why he was watching videotapes of buildings burning down. He said, “honey, I am studying the way fire travels in different structures.” Of course I again asked, why? I will never forget the seriousness of his face when he said, I was just promoted to captain. I have to know when to pull my guys off the roof. And to my knowledge, he never lost one.

    – Carol M