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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 20
Year of Death: 2009

Thomas D. Marovich Jr.

Tom was born on January 3‚ 1989 in San Mateo‚ California. He grew up in Hayward‚ California. From his first memory of hearing the siren of a fire engine‚ his lifelong goal was to be a firefighter.

While still a child‚ he played Little League baseball at a field across from his home. He was the star catcher on most of his baseball teams.

Tom was also a Boy Scout and loved to go camping. ‘The worse the weather‚ the better the memory’ was one of his favorite Boy Scout sayings.

Tom graduated from James Logan High School in Union City‚ California. While a student‚ he was a member of the Water Polo Team and was voted Most Valuable Player in his senior year.

When he was fourteen‚ he was old enough to join the Fremont Fire Explorer Program. During this time‚ he participated in three Firefighter Combat Challenges and put himself through EMT training.

When he was eighteen‚ he joined the U.S. Forest Service as a Wildland Firefighter and was stationed in the rural town of Adin‚ in Modoc County‚ California. When he was not on duty with the Forest Service‚ Tom was busy with the Adin Fire Protection District as a volunteer. Whenever he found time to come home‚ he rarely stayed. He continued to be busy with the Fremont Fire Explorers‚ but this time as an Advisor. Whenever he found or made time‚ he was an assistant instructor of Fire Science at the Mission Valley ROP in Fremont.

Tom enjoyed listening to country-western music‚ spending time with his best friends‚ doing target practice‚ and was an outstanding son‚ brother and loyal friend.

Tom was a giving person. He always gave of himself to help others‚ whether it was fighting a fire‚ rescuing someone‚ or just helping a stranded motorist along the highway.


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  1. My son, you were always gung ho about everything you did. Once you put your mind on something no one had better get in your way. It has been nearly 8 years since your death and still you are always in my mind and in the minds of your family. The hallway on the other side of your room contains accolades to your performance in the Fire Sciences. I had your boots bronzed and they are in the living room fpr all to see. A very good/close friend gave me a bronzed statue of a firefighter he created and it is also in the living room for all to see. T.J., I miss you more that you could ever know.When a father losers a son it is like loosing a limb pr\or one’s own life. I am now disabled and can no longer drive or walk outside the hosuse without my walker or a wheel chair. :We are having work done in the master bedroom, so for now, I am sleeping in your room. I know you won’t mind.
    So lnmg my son. I can’t bring myself to saying good bye.

    – Thomas D. Marovich Sr.
  2. I stop by to honor you today, Ryan. Thank you for your bravery and willingness to help make the world a better place. You will never be forgotten!

    Sister of Kenney Nickell, LODD, 4/6/99, KY

    – Starla Taylor
  3. Excuse my fumbles, in the earlier post. My computer is grumpy!! Thomas, I read your profile, and spent time with you online. You seemed to be an amazing young man, so loved by all, especially your family. You are so missed!

    – Starla Taylor
  4. No fire department in Dryden ny I am fire police

    – Frank
  5. On this 12 year anniversary of Tom’s death, please know Thomas, your son Tom will never be forgotten by his Firefighter family. I hope you
    find comfort and peace.

    – Lisa Hopman