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Attributes of Leading

Attributes of Leading is a highly interactive, practical case study-based format that has attendees explore six essential qualities of successful leaders: competence, grit, wellness, trust, humility, and self-regulation.

Courage to Be Safe®

Courage to Be Safe® is designed to change the culture of accepting firefighter fatalities as a normal occurrence by examining the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives. Promotes the courage to make the right decisions to help ensure that Everyone Goes Home.

Leadership So Everyone Goes Home

Leadership So Everyone Goes Home examines the contributing factors that can lead to a firefighter fatality or injury and steps to take to reduce the risk of firefighter fatalities and injuries.

Preventing the Preventable

Preventing the Preventable is an effort to continue to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries highlighting Life Safety Initiative #14 (Public Education) and Initiative #15 (Code Enforcement and Sprinklers).

Taking Care of Our Own®

Taking Care of Our Own® provides senior fire officials insights on how to prepare for a potential firefighter fatality or serious injury. Includes information about Public Safety Officer Benefits, behavioral health resources and developing a line-of-duty death policy.