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NFFF Scholarships

Senator Paul Sarbanes Scholarship

Scholarship Recipient

Elizabeth Boatman

Major: Music Education
Academic Scholarship Years:
Spouse of
Elizabeth Boatman

Elizabeth shares that becoming a widow at 32 years of age has brought many financial hardships along with the heartbreak and emotional trauma of losing her husband. She has determined that going to school to obtain her education to build a career and sustainable life is her best option. Elizabeth found solace and safety in music and will now pursue her dreams of becoming a music education teacher.

Elizabeth attributes her dream to the many music teachers in her life and she wishes to share her deep seeded love of music and its ability to help heal and provide comfort with others. Realizing her passion, path, and future career path has given her hope and the desire to make an impact by teaching others.

Southwest Type 1 IMT Human Resource Specialist Patty Brookins shares, “I met Liz under the worst of circumstances when her husband perished in a helicopter crash. We have since stayed in touch and I have followed her progress as she rebuilds her life. She is dedicated to her daughter and works hard to make things as “normal” as possible for her daughter in the face of their devastating loss. Liz will thrive in the creative world of music, and she is a born teacher who will excel in all she puts her mind to.”

This Scholarship Made Possible With Support From