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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Fire Engine Operator
Age: 38
Year of Death: 2017

William A. Jaros

William Anthony “Bill” Jaros was born January 20, 1979, to Ana Maria Ramires Jaros Bailey and the late William Jaros. He grew up in Del Norte County, California. Bill was a U.S. Air Force veteran who served as a security specialist in the law enforcement branch. He deployed three times to the Middle East and received numerous medals, ribbons, and citations for his service. After his military service, he attended College of Oceaneering in Wilmington, California, to become a certified underwater welder.

He became a dive team leader with Del Norte County Search and Rescue and later became a seasonal firefighter with the USDA Forest Service. At the time of his death, he was a fire engine operator for the USDA Forest Service, where he had served for twelve years.

William A. Jaros was participating in a required conditioning hike when he became ill and collapsed. He received immediate medical treatment from fellow crew members but died at the scene.

He was survived by his mother and stepfather, Ana Maria and Harold Bailey.

Bill had a big heart and loved helping people. He was remembered as a jokester, a kind coworker and a beloved friend.

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