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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 34
Year of Death: 2018

Nathan E. Flynn

Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services firefighter Nathan “Nate” Flynn died in the line of duty on Monday, July 23, 2018, while operating at the scene of a house fire in Clarksville, Maryland. Fire Fighter Flynn was a member of the Special Operations Team and assigned to Station 10. A thirteen-year veteran of the department, known for his attention to detail and passion for learning, Fire Fighter Flynn was posthumously promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

A firm believer that excellent firefighters are made, not born, Lieutenant Flynn sought training to enhance his skills as a firefighter as well as ways to pass his knowledge on to others effectively. This mindset motivated him to collaborate with other firefighters to develop the real-world conditions training “Real Houses Not Doll Houses” provided at the Fire Department Instructor’s Conference International (FDIC, International) in April 2018. Additionally, he volunteered with the Susquehanna Hose Company and Harford County Technical Rescue Teams, where he was always willing to take time to train and mentor younger volunteer firefighters.

Outside of the fire service, Nate also challenged himself to learn new skills through various home renovation projects and hobbies. He was an avid model railroader and had recently added boating to his interests. Although constantly driven to improve himself, he always took the time to appreciate the present and greatly valued spending time with his family and friends. Remembered for his generosity, caring nature, and charismatic smile, friends and family recall Nate as someone who placed others before himself. Nate is survived by his wife, Celeste, and their five children.


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