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Foundation News

2020 National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend Update

2020 National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend Update

A Message from the Chairman of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s Board of Directors

Watch the Tribute Together

Troy A. Markel
Chairman, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s Board of Directors

This is an extraordinary year with great loss and a myriad of challenges. The global pandemic has upended lives and countless plans. We are all adapting, including the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.

Our volunteers, staff and Board of Directors evaluated many options to continue the tradition of gathering in front of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial this October to honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. But with the uncertainties and challenges of planning this important event, while the coronavirus is still spreading in our country, our priority is ensuring the health and safety of the families of the fallen and all who attend the National Memorial.

While we are disappointed to postpone the 2020 Memorial Weekend events, it is important to know that the nation’s fallen firefighters will not be forgotten. On October 4, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation will broadcast a National Tribute to honor America’s fallen firefighters. Most importantly, our Fire Hero Families will be invited to attend a ceremony in 2021, where we will once again gather in Emmitsburg as a grateful nation honors and remembers the sacrifices of America’s fallen firefighters.


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