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NFFF Scholarships

Senator Paul Sarbanes Scholarship

Scholarship Recipient

Breann DeVore

Major: Elementary Education
Academic Scholarship Years:
Daughter of
Breann DeVore

Breann plans to finish college at Otero Junior College and become an Elementary school teacher. She wants to serve as an inspiration to young children and feels that this career path will help her achieve that.

After losing her father at age 8, she helped take care of her younger siblings and she thinks she will be able to carry these lessons over to be an inspirational teacher. When she is not studying or helping to care for her younger siblings, she is active with a recreational volleyball league. Breann is currently working full-time as a Paraprofessional at an Elementary school.

Fire Chief Bradshaw writes, “Breann has grown up to be a capable young lady. She exhibits confidence and poise under pressure. She has her dad’s heart and compassion for those around her in need. She has the strength that can get her past any obstacle, also a trait of her dad’s. The character traits she learned along with her winning smile and good heart make her a daughter her dad would be proud of.”

This Scholarship Made Possible With Support From