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Foundation News

Robin Hadaller: I Am Beyond Grateful for this Opportunity

Robin Hadaller: I Am Beyond Grateful for this Opportunity

Robin Hadaller

By Robin Hadaller
Daughter of Matthew M. Hadaller III

This fall I was able to start my first year in the American Sign Language/English Interpreting Program at Western Oregon University. I’ve attended this school for the last two years and had applied for this program last spring. Thankfully, I was accepted and just finished my first term in the program.

In Oregon, we are still doing remote learning, meaning it’s all online classes. At first, I was beyond stressed. I was nervous my grades weren’t going to be all A’s. I was worried that my schedule was going to be jam packed. I was basically a ball of anxiety and stress towards the beginning of the term. The reason for the anxiety and stress was because I wasn’t sure if it was going to be more difficult with it being a new program that I had just started, and it happens to be all online. After the term ended, I passed all my classes with flying colors. I found ways that help my learning and was able to come up with a plan for my hectic schedule. I looked back though and remembered that not once this term did I have to worry about my financial situation. I didn’t have to carry that stress. I didn’t have to worry about taking out another loan or finding a full-time job that would potentially be more time-absorbing than being able to use that time for schoolwork.

I really cannot thank you all enough. It makes me think of when I received the E-mail about my award. To be quite honest, I thought there was an error in the E-mail! My jaw dropped, and I yelled for my mom. I instantly started crying because I was set for this year. Of course, they were happy tears! So much stress had lifted off my shoulders, and I prayed and said thank you so many times. I hope you all know that I am beyond grateful for this opportunity you have given me. I wouldn’t be here at Western Oregon still studying and planning to become an interpreter without this foundation and all of you that are a part of it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

NFFF Scholarship Recipient Spotlight

Robin Hadaller

Senator Paul Sarbanes Scholarship

Majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies

Robin will graduate in June with her dual degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in American Sign Language, special education, and psychology. She will be accepted into Western Oregon University’s American Sign Language 2-year certification program. Her career goal is to find a profession that will allow her to use her dual degrees.

» Read More About Robin’s Academic Goals & Success

Her Scholarship Made Possible With Support from

Motorola Solutions Foundation

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