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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Division Chief
Age: 68
Year of Death: 2023

Ronald A. Roy

Ronald A. Roy, 68, passed away on July 31, 2023, after a 16-month-long unwavering and courageous fight against leukemia. He was born on September 7, 1954, and spent his life living in the Wenatchee (Washington) Valley.

In 1980, Ron began his career at the Chelan County PUD, retiring after 39 years as a senior electrical system operator in 2019. He taught a class he wrote on firefighter safety around a car vs pole/transformer accident or wire on the ground scenario, sharing his paid-career knowledge.

One of Ron’s favorite stories had him walking through the local county fair in 1973 at 19 years of age. He passed the local firefighter’s booth, where a volunteer asked, “Hey, kid, have you ever thought about being a volunteer firefighter?” Well, no, but Ron decided to contact his local district, where he began his lifelong journey in the volunteer fire service.

He joined Chelan County Fire District #1 in 1973 and proudly turned it into a 50-year career. He also volunteered at Douglas County #2, which recently became part of Wenatchee Valley Fire Department, where he represented the volunteers as a division chief until his death. He was passionate about and always advocating for the volunteer firefighter, whether it was for presumptive cancer benefits, retirement benefits, reduced property taxes, free hunting and fishing licenses, or any other rights he felt the volunteer deserved. He joined the Washington State Fire Fighters Association (WSFFA) in 2000, served as president from 2002-2004, served as benefits coordinator, and was a past board member. He was awarded Firefighter of the Year in 1990, 1999, and 2001. He was honorably awarded Inspirational Firefighter of the Year in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.

He was an active member of the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), where he chaired the wildland committee. He served as a Washington State director, attending meetings with state representatives, senators, and others in Washington, D.C., and around the country at the national level. He helped create and taught the Wildland Fire Assessment Program. At the state level, Ron worked closely with the Washington State Fire Marshal’s office on training and certification testing for firefighters

Ron was a kind, passionate, compassionate, and patient man. He lived by the motto, “All you have to do is treat people right.” He was very proud of the slogans everyone saw at the bottom of his emails— Voluntarius Fastu, Honoris, et Humilitate (Volunteer with Pride, Honor and Humility) and “Doin’ it for free since 73.”

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