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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Michael K. Maine

Submitted by his son

My dad was a firefighter/engineer with North Bay for 8 years. He was active in the Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association and very involved in the Catholic Church in nearby Coos Bay.

My dad was a great friend to all he met and a great husband to my mom and a super father to my two brothers‚ sister and myself.

Submitted by his daughter

My dad was a great guy. He loved the beach and the mountains. He was always there to help anyone who needed it. I was and am very proud of him and my brother Steve‚ who followed in his footsteps. Dad would have been so proud of him. Dad will be and is missed terribly.

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  1. Mike Maine was my father. He was responding to an arson caused structure fire when he missed a turn on the way to the fire station and struck a tree. He was found by his fellow firefighters the next day. My dad was a firefighter/engineer with North Bay RFPD for 8 years.

    – Steve Maine