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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 46
Year of Death: 1982

Theodore E. Waliczek

Submitted by his wife

Teddy was a loving husband and father‚ a proud and respected firefighter‚ a fun-loving brother. He was a gourmet cook at home and at the firehouse‚ a Little League enthusiast‚ a staunch union supporter‚ and an avid fisherman. He was the heart of our family.

Our three children‚ Eddy‚ Edie‚ and Fran‚ and myself were very lucky to have Teddy for twenty-three years. We were his number on priority; he was my best friend. We are very proud that he was a Fire Fighter. He taught us life by his outstanding courage and unending energy. He did everything he could to make us comfortable and secure. Our son‚ Eddy‚ followed in Teddy’s footsteps. He is a Lieutenant on the Chicago Fire Department serving in the same area in which his dad served.

The last company Teddy was assigned to was Truck 54. It is located a half-block from where we held our wedding reception in 1959. His first company was Squad 8‚ then Snorkel Squad 2. His co-workers tell me he was a ‘good man‚’ always ready‚ always in the thick of the action.

His two brothers were also Chicago Fire Fighters. His oldest brother‚ LeRoy‚ was a Lieutenant and ‘Lefty’ was an Engineer; Teddy’s sister was ‘Boots.’ When Teddy started at the CFD‚ LeRoy was also assigned to Squad 8. He enjoyed the company of his brothers and sister very much‚ and we shared fun-filled holidays and vacations with them.

Teddy was well known in our church and community. The Clear-Ridge Little League posthumously honored Teddy for his fundraising and coaching efforts for the League. For the Cub Scouts‚ he initiated a system of cooking for their spaghetti dinner fundraiser that is still used thirty years later. He was the candy chairman for Brownies and cookie chairman for the Girl Scouts.

We miss him; Teddy is always in our hearts and will never be forgotten.

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