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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 33
Year of Death: 1986

Jack Robert Stevens

Submitted by his daughter

Survivors include: his wife‚ MaryBeth‚ and 4 daughters.

Submitted by a Coworker

Captain Jack Stevens


Captain Jack Stevens was killed in the ‘line of duty’ on June 30‚ 1986. He suffered fatal injuries when his ladder truck collided with a 26 ton dump truck at the intersection of Lindsay and University in Mesa. Captain Stevens died in surgery later that afternoon at a local Trauma Center. He was 33 years old‚ and a 10 year veteran of the department. He is survived by his wife Mary Beth and four daughters.

Captain Stevens was dedicated to the fire department‚ his family‚ and was a devoted Christian man. When on a vacation with his best friend‚ the question arose of what he would want on his headstone if he were to die unexpectedly‚ his headstone reads:
‘He served the purpose of God in his generation and fell asleep’

Captain Stevens is dearly missed by his brothers and sisters of the Mesa Fire Department‚ he was courageous and brave the day he was called home to the Lord!

Memorial Posts


Memorial Wall

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  1. Dad,

    We miss you everyday.


    – JRS
  2. Dad, I wish I had the chance to know you but I am blessed beyond belief by your sacrifice. It ultimately lead me to Christ and to understand what it meant for him to sacrifice his life to save us. Because of your sacrifice I know that one day I will be united with you. Because of your sacrifice I have a loving protective step father, 2 amazing step siblings, a little sister, and a lot of nephews and nieces I wouldn’t have otherwise had. Thank you, Daddy, for your faith and sacrifce.

    – CSS
  3. A great brother in Christ. Held in heart are the memories made with Jack, Mary Beth, & their sweet girls at church. Never forgetting…ever grateful for his years of selfless service & example to our community and, as well, to our City of Mesa.

    – Chris & Christina Van Male