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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 49
Year of Death: 2013

Kenny Krulish Jr.

Kenny Krulish, better known by his crew as “Captain Kenny,” was a hardworking family man. He loved helping others and providing the best life to his wife, Amy, and their two children, Jeffrey and Karaline. Captain Kenny started out on the streets and eventually got promoted to training captain throughout his career. He spent many years investing in the lives of every new firefighter and paramedic that walked through the doors of St. Johns County Fire Rescue.

At home, he spent every minute possible traveling with his family and making trips to the beach. Captain Kenny loved to take his wife on dates, watch football with his daughter, and take his son fishing. During the wintertime, he took his family up to the mountains whenever it snowed and always went all out at Christmas time with decorations.

In January of 2013, after a stressful shift, Captain Kenny collapsed from a heart attack and died instantly. He continues to be greatly missed, as his family and St. Johns County Fire Rescue feel his absence every day.


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