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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 88
Year of Death: 2021

Bill L. Walters

Bill L. Walters was born 1n 1933 in Auburn, Indiana, to the late Silas (Ted) and Gladys Walters. He was one of 13 children. He was drafted into the U.S. Army right out of high school and served in the Korean War from 1953-1955.

After his honorable discharge from the Army, Bill worked in some manufacturing jobs while helping to raise his young family. In the late 60s, an old Auburn fire chief by the name of Gilbert Potts talked him into joining the Auburn Fire Department, and like his father before, it was love at first fire call.

Bill served with valor and distinction while rising through the ranks, becoming fire chief and serving in that capacity until his retirement. After his retirement from the Auburn Fire Department, Bill served as the Dekalb County building inspector for nearly 30 years, while also being a Jackson Township volunteer firefighter and first responder. Bill eventually moved to the town of Waterloo, Indiana, and promptly joined the Waterloo-Grant Volunteer Fire Department as a first responder.

Bill loved to share his knowledge with the young volunteers at fire practice or just to sit and talk with them over a hot cup of coffee after an early morning call. He loved his firefighter/first responder brethren like family. Bill served for over 55 years in the fire service, hardly ever missing a call well into his late 80s.

Bill left behind his children, Scott, Beth, and Todd; daughter-in-law, Christina; grandchildren, Trenton Stuller, Nathan Stuller, and Tyler Walters; and many great-grandchildren.

He loved to read old westerns while listening to country music. He also loved to frequent the local diners, as he knew everybody by name and never met a stranger. He loved to visit and talk about the good old days with his beloved sisters, Patricia and Shirley.

Bill departed this earth not knowing how much of a void he would leave in these small communities he served. He is honored as a fallen hero but would have brushed that aside and said it was all part of the job he loved and would do all over again.

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