Submitted by a co-worker
Cale was killed fighting an arson fire. Arsonist set an abandoned structure on fire‚ Cale was on the initial alarm and was using defensive tactics. While walking around the back of the structure he fell into a well that the covering had burned off of. He fell approximately 75′ into the water and was alive and calling for help. He died of smoke inhalation from the burning debris in the bottom of the well.
Cale had grown up wanting to be a firefighter and had volunteered as soon as he turned 18.
Cale was my brother in law and my childhood friend. He is greatly missed by everyone. He had a wonderful since of humor and never meet a stranger. He always wanted to be a fireman, so much so that when he was very young he would make his mom and dad take him to watch the fireman put out fires. He was always hanging out at the Baldwin fire department doing whatever they would allow him to do. Cale is greatly missed by his family.
– Melinder Caudell