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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

James J. Cothran

Submitted by his son

Chief Cothran had served with the department as Chief since the depatment was organized in 1972. Chief Cothran was instrumental in organizing the department and obtaining the original pieces of equipment and assisted the department in advancing from a class 9 to a class 4 prior to his death. Prior to this he had served many years as a volunteer with the Prattville Fire Department.

Chief Cothran had retired in 1970 from active service with Army Aviation and the Alabama Army National Guard with rank of Master Sergeant.

Chief Cothran servered on the county board of equalization and the board of the local rural water and fire protection authority‚ as well as the State of Alabama Rural Firefighters Association.

At the time of death‚ he was survived by his wife Margaret B. Cothran‚ son James M. Cothran and daughter Jane Griggs.

Chief Cothran was a true pillar of his community and has been missed tremendously since his passing. His radio call sign (730) for the county wide response network was retired in his honor.

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