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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Alfred Clayton

On August 21, 1937, the tragic Blackwater Fire, provoked by a lightning strike, caused the death of 15 firefighters, including USFS Ranger Alfred Clayton, injured 38 others, and burned approximately 1,700 acres of National Forest System lands on the Shoshone National Forest, near Cody, Wyoming.

This firefighter line of duty fatality occurred before the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial was built in Emmitsburg, Maryland. While this firefighter has not been officially honored at the Memorial site, there are plans to do so when resources are available.

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  1. Today is August 17, 2022 almost a full 85 years since the death of A.F. Clayton on Aug. 21, 1937 in the Blackwater fire near Cody Wy. I saw a writing of his, several years ago about living in the wild, and would like to share his words here,” No one can live amongst nature’s own wonders such as are here without being a better person from the experience. People are the most important thing that a country has and to build up their health, heighten their ideals, and strengthen their hopes is a great thing indeed.”
    Forest Ranger A.G. Clayton, 1922

    – James Hulsey